Today is my 43rd birthday. I was born 43 years ago. I am 43 years old.
There's no way to sugar coat it, I am middle aged. (YIKES!)
But yet I don't feel that way.
Sure, my knees are achy and stiff and take a moment to loosen when I stand up after sitting cross-legged for a while.
Yes, I have an elbow injury I'm resigned will never fully healing.
Of course I have some gray hairs, an arsenal of face serums, and use readers with increasing frequency.
But I don't feel middle aged. And I certainly don't feel like I'm declining.
I have friends and family that tell me they're tired just looking through my Instagram and Facebook feeds. Occasionally, people at my gym are surprised to learn my age. And I have a friend who tells me that every time she hears my name or I come to mind the first thing she thinks of is carpe diem. (I have been associated with much worse...)
Why do I stay so busy? Well, a lot of it is necessity. I have three children whom I homeschool (up until this point, any oldest is going to school for the first time this fall as a freshman in high school - more on that in a future post) while also managing my communication consulting work (if you need any writing done, events planned, or social media assistance, I'm your girl!). But I also stay busy because with a life full of doing things for other people, it's nice to do things for myself every once in a while.
There have been countless articles written encouraging parents to take time for themselves, so I realize I am not inventing sliced bread over here, but I think it's worth a reminder. If you are a parent (especially a mother) and you're reading this: you are not selfish for setting time aside for yourself. In fact, you'll be healthier and happier for it, allowing you to be a better parent (and/or spouse) because of it.
Here we go, we're back on the giving train...but I digress...
Taking time for myself is one of the reasons I started this blog. I'm frequently writing pieces for clients on topics I don't get to choose. And while I'm appreciative of the work and mostly enjoy doing it, it will be nice to work on something for myself and on something I'm hoping will encourage others.
You will read quite a bit about cooking/drinking/eating good food and cocktails here, as well as details about places and events I've been to and what I wore there. I will write about art, music, and books that inspire me. Products I find helpful in combating the signs of aging and that support my health and well-being will be shared. And I will be documenting my fitness journey as a 43 year old because if you had told 20 year old me that I'd be competing in OCR races and kickboxing in my 40s she probably wouldn't have believed it. But here I am, doing my best to stay out of my comfort zone, resisting the urge to settle, and seeing some descent results because of it.
I do not have it all figured out. I am far from perfect. And I am not really a professional anything. But I am trying my darndest each day to be my best self, to live my best life, as I sneak up on my golden years. And I am looking forward to sharing what I experience and discover with you.
This is Gilded Living.
PS - The photo at the top of this post was taken yesterday, the day before my 43rd birthday. After a year of pestering self-doubt, I am finally regaining confidence. I'm happy with the picture because it paints an honest picture of who I am today. I have a pretty nice tan as well as some pimples, wrinkles, and a handful of gray hair. I worked hard for the muscles I have as well as the saggy skin on my belly. This body has given birth to three children, it has carried me through many difficult physical and emotional situations, and it still feels pretty darn strong. I refuse to creatively pose to cover or touch up my imperfections. I have earned them. I am thankful for them. I am finally embracing them. I am 43.
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