It's a new day! It's a new week! It's a new month! Let's kick it up a notch!
I don't mean to alarm you, but 1/4 of 2019 is over. How was it?
Did you show yourself love, did you share compassion, did you take time to make memories with loved ones? Did you work towards your goals, did you keep your resolutions, did you make it a quarter for the history books?
If you answered yes, congratulations! Work hard to maintain that momentum these next few months!
If you answered no, start now with some forgiveness and self-reflection. Where are you giving your time and energy? Does it fill you up? If not, reprioritize and let some of it go to make room for more. More smiles, more love, more life.
It's a new day/week/month/quarter! Let's kick it up a notch, shall we?!
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