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Dry Brushing

I first heard the term dry brushing back in 2010, but at that time, I only learned of the exfoliation benefits.  When I started incorporating the process into my morning routine a few years later (to prep my skin for bare legs and tank tops), I was pleasantly surprised to discover the additional health (and beauty) benefits.

In addition to removing dry skin (think knees, ankles, elbows...), it also evens skin tone, stimulates blood flow, aids in cell renewal and tighter skin (goodbye cellulite), and helps the lymphatic system with toxin release, digestion and kidney function.  All of that from a quick two minute, pre-shower routine!

The only tool needed is an inexpensive, natural bristle brush (not synthetic) that is sturdy, but not too rough.  One with a long handle is great for hard to reach areas.

To dry brush, start at your feet, and then work your way up, making long sweeping strokes with enough pressure to feel it, but not hard enough for it to be uncomfortable.  Always sweep towards your heart.  The first time I dry brushed, I was shocked by the initial blood flow to my certainly works!

Since adding this to my morning routine a few years ago, I have noticed smoother and tighter skin, and continue to feel that initial jolt of energy each time I do it.

If you've tried dry brushing, what has your experience been?  And if you try it for the first time, report would be great to hear your thoughts! 


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