Perspective, belief, reality...they can change pretty fast. Mine were flipped upside down within 5 minutes today. Here's how: I was at my friend's gym this morning getting my butt kicked, doing 24" box jumps when he walked over and asked "Should I add the 12" on top?" I laughed, because COME ON, I just landed my first 30" jump a few weeks ago. He smirked over his shoulder as he walked away, saying "OK, we'll do it after class." I laughed and continued to jump in my comfort zone. But then, later, as I was working a heavy bag, I thought, "Hmm, Jordan has been pushing me for years in the right direction and because of it I've completed things I originally didn't think possible (pull-ups, a Spartan race, lifting heavier, punching harder...). What if this is one of them?" And so, after class, I stacked the boxes and stepped beside them. A 63" girl next to a 36" box. It was intimidating. I looked at my friend...